


Strength Training On The Go strength training Mar 18, 2024


By Carla DiGirolamo, MD, CFL1 


This workout is a “go-to” for strength training if you're pressed for time or traveling. It’s versatile in that you can pair any two upper/lower body lifts that you wish, it's time-efficient, and can be done with minimal...

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Get a Grip on Your Muscle Strength - Part 2 grip strength strength training Mar 12, 2024


By Carla DiGirolamo, MD, CFL1


Last week, we kicked off this workout series with a focus on grip strength. We reviewed why grip strength is important and its correlation with various health metrics, such as low bone mineral density (BMD), depression, anxiety, sleep quality,...

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Get a Grip on Your Muscle Strength! grip strength strength training Mar 05, 2024


By Carla DiGirolamo MD, CFL1


Loss of muscle mass and strength with age is related to many factors including the overall physiological changes with aging and the menopausal transition, reduced activity levels, changing nutrition - among other factors. Excessive loss of muscle...

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Feisty 40+: Shaping Your Strongest, Healthiest, Happiest Future. Mar 05, 2024

Welcome to a sneak peek of Feisty 40+, a newsletter designed and created for active women forty and older who want to shape their strongest, healthiest, happiest future.

Written and compiled by Selene Yeager, with contributions from Dr. Carla DiGirolamo, this weekly newsletter is filled with...

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Let’s Talk About Cholesterol and Menopause cholesterol heart health Feb 26, 2024

Midlife women need to calculate their lifetime heart disease risks.


By Selene Yeager


We can’t let American Heart Month pass without a discussion on one of the most vexing cardiovascular factors menopausal women face—the changes that happen to their lipid levels...

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Key Muscle Making Ingredients for Menopausal Women muscle Feb 19, 2024


Muscle is harder to make and maintain in midlife. These supplements can help.


By Selene Yeager

*This is a sponsored post. As with all sponsored posts here, we use, believe, and stand by every product we promote.

If you had told me (and heck maybe someone did and I didn’t...

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Keep Your Menopausal Vagina Healthy and Happy vaginal health Feb 14, 2024


Pain and discomfort down there is common. You don’t have to live with it.


By Selene Yeager  


Of all the changes and challenges that menopause can bring, vulvovaginal atrophy (VVA), which falls under the genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM), is among the...

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How to Have a More Chill Menopause cold plunge menopause mental health Feb 06, 2024

Deliberate cold exposure through swimming, plunging, or showering may ease symptoms and improve mood.


By Selene Yeager


We live in a world where it can be exceedingly difficult to chill out. That’s doubly true for menopausal women, who can have a harder time balancing their...

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Black Women in Menopause Need Better Care black women healthcare minority women Feb 01, 2024

30 years of research shows we can and should be doing a lot better.


By Selene Yeager


February is Black History Month in the U.S. (It’s October in the U.K. and July in Australia) — an annual celebration of achievements by Black Americans. And there are many in the...

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The Best Training for Your Menopausal Brain brain health strength training training Jan 23, 2024

What’s good for your muscles is good for your mind.


By Selene Yeager


As menopausal women, we care a lot about our brains, especially as the hormonal shifts that happen starting in perimenopause can lead to changes in our brains and women have a greater risk of developing...

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What Happens to Our Breasts During Menopause? breast health menopause Jan 16, 2024

As our hormones change so does the shape, size, and feeling of our breasts. Here’s what active women should know.


By Selene Yeager


As active women, we have a unique relationship with our breasts, as we can spend many years post-puberty (and then again perhaps post-pregnancy)...

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Resolve to Keep These Healthy, Active Menopause Habits in the New Year brain health hiit menopause muscle sleep strength training Jan 08, 2024

Make muscle, get strong, prioritize your sleep, and more in 2024


By Selene Yeager


The holidays are behind us, the new year stretches out in front of us. We’re back to work, ready to dig into new goals. We don’t really buy into “New Year, New You!”...but we do...

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