


Music for Menopause brain health mental health Feb 02, 2022

Manipulating your brain chemistry with music may ease symptoms of menopause and depression levels, research shows.


By Selene Yeager


People have used music to self-medicate their moods since the first stick struck the first drumskin. Music-based therapy has been used in the treatment of psych...

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Get a Grip training Jan 19, 2022

The bonus benefits of lifting heavy sh*t may also help you live a longer, healthier life.

By Selene Yeager


A strong grip does more than help you open jars by yourself. It’s also been linked with a longer life. Research finds that grip strength is inversely associated with the risk of dying earl...

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Self Compassion Is Good for Your Heart mental health Jan 05, 2022

Granting yourself grace is good for your midlife heart.

By Selene Yeager


We talk about self compassion a lot here, mainly because it's good for your mental health--and it just makes good sense! Turns out, it's also quite good for your heart.


A study published in Health Psychology found that...

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Yogurt Does a Menopausal Body Good digestion Dec 14, 2021

The probiotic-rich food helps digestion, is rich in nutrients women need, and can lower blood pressure.

By Selene Yeager


If there’s one food group that comes up a lot for menopausal health, it’s yogurt. With good reason. It’s an excellent source of calcium, which we need for bone maintenance. I...

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Just Dance mental health training Dec 08, 2021

Moving to the music does a menopausal body (and mind) good.

By Selene Yeager


Dance has been a health and wellness darling for decades (centuries, really). Research shows that dancing activates brain pathways that release feel good neurochemicals like dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins. It impr...

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Tuck In Between 10 and 11 for Menopause Health sleep Nov 16, 2021

Research shows the benefits of going to sleep between those hours.

By Selene Yeager


When I was in college, we often didn’t even go out until 11, sometimes 11:30. After all the bars were open till 2 a.m. These days I’m tucked in by 10:30 p.m. most nights, which I’m happy to see is the time resea...

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Keep An Eye on Your Vision eye health mental health Nov 09, 2021

Research links impaired vision to depressive symptoms in women during midlife.


By Selene Yeager


Recently, a woman in the Feisty Menopause community asked whether menopause affects eyesight. The answer is yes it can, though it can be tricky to determine which changes are due to hormonal fluct...

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A New Way to Lift Heavy Sh*t training Nov 03, 2021

We’re loving Tonal, a digital weight platform that automatically adjusts to your personal needs.


By Selene Yeager


Menopausal women need to lift weights—a.k.a. lift heavy sh*t—to maintain their essential muscle mass. But there are barriers: Not everyone has easy access to or enjoys going to t...

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Laser Therapy May Be All Show and No Go vaginal health Oct 26, 2021

New study on vaginal laser therapy shows no significant benefit.

By Selene Yeager


Vaginal laser therapy for vaginal dryness related to menopause doesn’t appear to have meaningful benefits, according to a new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).


The proc...

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Mindfulness Practice Every Day Keeps the Long Term Burden of Stress Away mental health Oct 20, 2021

Hair analysis study shows that practicing mindfulness techniques lowers cortisol levels long term.

By Selene Yeager


Levels of your stress hormone cortisol can increase as you make your way into the later stages of the menopausal transition, according to research. And women with increased cortis...

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Those Hips Don't Lie training Sep 15, 2021

Maintaining hip flexor strength is essential for top performance as you get older, study shows.

By Selene Yeager


We’ve all heard the mantra: Lift Heavy Sh*t. Muscle tissue can slip away quickly during the menopause transition, so maintaining it through a regular strength training routine is ess...

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Want to Build Your Brain? Take it Outdoors brain health Aug 16, 2021

Research shows that fresh air and green spaces are good for your gray matter.

By Selene Yeager

Lots of us worry about our brain health and mental well-being during the menopause transition when science shows our gray (and white) matter is literally physically changing and our anxiety levels rise a...

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