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Tabata: Not Just for Cardio!

strength training tabata Sep 24, 2024


By Carla DiGirolamo MD, CFL1


“Tabata” is an amazingly versatile style of high-intensity interval training (HIIT). It is classically performed on a clock where each round includes 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for anywhere between 4 and 8 rounds (totaling 2-4 minutes).


Two to four minutes may seem like a very short duration, however, the intent is high exertion for 20 seconds with a very short duration of rest for just 10 seconds before you begin the next round. Staying strict to the time domain with just 10 seconds of rest between working sessions is what helps generate an elevated level of intensity.


Today’s workout is a core-training extravaganza! There are 5 complimentary movements that target the core muscles of the body. The time domain is a classic Tabata sequence that involves 8 rounds of segments of 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest for a total of 4 minutes per movement.

TIP! As fatigue sets in during the later rounds, slow the pace of the repetitions to allow some rest while still actively moving for the 20-second working segments. 


Warm-Up/Movement Practice


Take 5-10 minutes to practice 5-8 repetitions of the movements below at low intensity, in sequence, and select the options you will use for the workout.




1 min rest

  • Ab Mat Sit-ups: 20 sec of work/10 sec of rest x 8 rounds (4min) ** If you do not have an ab mat, roll up a medium to large towel and place it behind your lower back.

1 min rest

1 min rest

1 min rest


** Select a plank option that allows you to hold the position for the entire 20 seconds.

** First 20 sec work/10-sec rest is a plank hold, the next 20-sec work/10-sec rest is a superman hold, and continue to alternate movements until the 8 rounds are completed.

Plank hold alternative - Hollow Hold

Total time: 28 min. 



15-minute Deep Stretch yoga sequence from Five Parks.

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